Is Skin Needling the Right Skin Resurfacing Solution for You?

Is Skin Needling the Right Skin Resurfacing Solution for You?

If you’re reading this, then you may have heard about skin needling and how it’s the best approach to rejuvenating skin and getting rid of common skin problems. One has to wonder — is that truly the case, or is it too good to be true? It’s a good question, especially for people who’ve tried just about everything else to solve their skin problems.

In this article, we aim to shed light on the process of skin needling and what it entails. More importantly, we will go over what it’s like to undergo such treatment and what to expect in terms of results. Only then can you decide if it is the right skin resurfacing treatment for your skin problem.

What is it like to undergo skin needling?

So what is skin needling? Well, as you may already know, the process involves the use of a handheld roller or dermal pen that carries an array of tiny surgical-grade needles. These needles are pressed firmly unto the skin and can be anywhere from 1 to 3 mm in length. This is enough to pierce the topmost layer of the skin but not enough to cause any severe injury. In turn, this action harnesses the natural healing ability of the body by forcing it to produce more collagen and elastin in response to said injuries. 

The microscopic injuries stimulate collagen in the top layer of the skin and break some of the capillaries directly beneath it. Since the blood clots, it creates the proper environment for collagen and elastin development. It is those crucial aspects that help within the pores and leaves the skin feeling rejuvenated.

How safe is skin needling?

Now that you have a good idea of what skin needling entails, you might be hesitant to buy Dermapen 4 or any other skin needling treatment because of how radical it sounds. That said, one must consider that the needling takes place in a highly controlled manner. Hence there’s hardly any injury that’s inflicted on the skin. Moreover, skin doctors can use a numbing agent for patients who have a low tolerance for pain and discomfort.

Another great thing about skin needling is that it can be performed on patients of any skin type. Regardless of whether you have healthy, dry, or sensitive skin, you can expect a smoother and more youthful skin appearance thanks to skin needling. The treatment rejuvenates the skin by increasing blood circulation to the damaged part of the skin. As a result, scars become less evident, along with wrinkles and fine lines.

Microneedling also opens up the pores on the skin, which enables it to absorb nutrients and moistures better. Hence, many experts often recommend them to increase the potency of skincare products.

Additional benefits of skin needling include reduction of stretch marks and skin sags. The treatment can be repeated, but only after the skin fully heals, which can take anywhere from six to eight weeks. Incredibly, the boost in collagen production can persist for up to a year, which makes skin needling a worthwhile investment for maintaining skin health.