Mannequins Display Clothing Attractively and Profitably While Connecting With Your Customers

Mannequins Display Clothing Attractively and Profitably While Connecting With Your Customers

Using mannequins to display your merchandise and promote your business is a remarkably profitable sales strategy if done properly. Most people don’t immediately associate mannequins with the concept of increasing profits, which is exactly why using these versatile displays gives you such a tremendous advantage as a small business owner, store manager, or sales director.

Most small businesses severely underestimate the benefits of these time-tested merchandising tools. How many store owners or managers do you know who are experts in the art and science of effective product display, otherwise known as visual merchandising? Probably not many.

It’s no secret that retail sales is largely a presentation game. Still, it’s bewildering why so many businesses put such extensive effort into marketing and advertising aimed at attracting customers to their store, but pay little attention to the visual presentation of their merchandise. That’s the retail equivalent of inviting guests over to your house for dinner, only to inform them upon arrival that you’ve not actually prepared any food, but only desired their presence. You can be sure they won’t be coming over to your house for “dinner” very often with that bait and switch move.


So how do mannequins fit into this equation? First, it’s important to understand the role that mannequins play in a store setting. They are, in essence, your company’s spokespeople. And since they are often displayed prominently in store windows or toward the front of the store, they are usually the customers’ first point of identification with your store. In a sense, they represent your store. Just as Cover Girl models represent that brand, so, too should your mannequins represent your store. Just as Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan largely represent the image of Nike, so, too should your mannequins represent the image of your business, trade show, or promotional event.

Now, it may seem ridiculous to compare mannequins to celebrity spokespeople, but in a small business retail environment they are the celebrities. (I would also add that they are pleasantly less expensive than an endorsement from Tiger Woods).