Simple ways to show your other half how much you love them

Simple ways to show your other half how much you love them

So you’ve met the love of your life and you just can’t stop thinking about them. You want to show them you love them but you don’t know how to.

In a world of a thousand different ways on how you can show your other half you love them, it can still be a challenge for some. We may not all be confident enough to stand on the highest rooftop and scream out” I love you, Diana” 

What do you do when you just can’t find an idea that works for you? Worry not because we have your back. Here are the many simple ways on how you can show your other half you love them.

  • Help with house chores

Doesn’t seem like a romantic thing to do for her but! There’s a secret in this. Doing domestic work for the person you work with is considered sexy. You may not believe this but after washing the dirty dishes, mopping the floors, and doing the laundry, she will believe you love her which is true. 

  • Go out to dinner

Taking her out to a good planner dinner is a good way to express your love. Make sure you plan it, don’t try and “wing it”. Get dressed and meet her outside like a proper gentleman. Hold her hand walk her to the car and head to the nice restaurant you planned this dinner at. If all goes well she will know how much you love her.

  • Hold her hands in public

Some girls don’t like it when you hold their hands in public. They’re probably not the touchy-feely type. However, holding hands is one of the most ways to show your love for someone. It’s a symbol of intimacy and comfort. If your girlfriend doesn’t mind a public show of affection, hold her hands out of the blue as you walk on the streets. This can be an important way of building trust between the two of you.

  • Shop for a ring together

Go ring shopping with your partner to show her you love her. Both of you can look at and try out rings, including the stunning Claddagh ring from Ireland, and then you get her whichever piece she likes. If the two of you aren’t engaged this opportunity will help you look up to getting engagement rings next time. She will be surprised that you took her ring shopping and it will be a fun and romantic experience.

  • Listen to her

Maybe you don’t notice it, but you may not be listening to your girlfriend. When she’s talking you’re busy texting away with the boys, you don’t nod in agreement when she’s talking, and you rush to reply without giving much thought. For a change, hold her hands when she’s talking about something, look into her eyes and keep nodding. The fact that you’ve changed and are listening (hopefully) your girlfriend will feel heard. 

  • Engage in activities she likes

Try as much as possible to appreciate some of the things your girlfriend likes even if they aren’t the activities you’d normally engage in. it will show her that you’re taking an interest, which will surprise her. Maybe she loves going to tea parties where most of the ladies dress up in fancy outfits and pretend to take tea (okay this may not be a great idea). But, you get the point. Engaging in what she likes may be funny and she will love you for trying.

  • Kiss her

Never underestimate the power of kissing your girlfriend especially when you do it well. It’s even said that just one kiss can launch a thousand ships and even sink every one of them. Kissing your girlfriend is not only romantic but it also releases feel-good chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin into the brain. Oxytocin for instance is a love hormone. It will help you connect with your girlfriend more especially when you kiss her passionately.

  • Make her birthday special

Girls adore their birthdays. And each one has a unique way they love to celebrate. Some prefer the traditional way of celebrating with family and others want friends included. Maybe your girlfriend would prefer a bouquet of roses or chocolate on her birthday. Or even an evening at the mall or the movies would do. The bottom line though is to do your research and find out how you can make your girlfriend’s birthday special.

  • Shower with together

Showering with your girlfriend may not work for everyone. Seeing as there are many things to consider like if both of you will use the bath tab (if you can both fit) or maybe not. Plus if you’re both super confident in front of each other without clothes. This showering together thing shouldn’t be ordinary. There has to be a romantic touch to it like romantic music playing in the background and rose petals floating on the water. Tell your girlfriend this idea and you can be sure she won’t even wait to come over.

  • Look after her when she’s ill

Not that we’d wish for you to be sick but who doesn’t want to be taken care of by their boyfriend during such a time. She’d probably do the same for you if you got ill. Make her feel comfortable, check to see if she needs anything, crack jokes to lessen the mood, and watch SpongeBob with her until she gets better. She may be too sick to smile but an act such as this will warm her heart up and speed up the recovery process.

Final thoughts

As much as it may be difficult to maintain those butterflies, in any relationship when you stop surprising your girlfriend, complementing her, saying I love you and all, it’s easy for the spark to die. If you truly love her and don’t wish to lose her. Keep doing all these little things, even if some of them aren’t your usual cup of tea. They are what will keep the spark in your relationship. You won’t even try to work so hard for your girlfriend to smile.