The HOWs and WHYs of Dandruff

The HOWs and WHYs of Dandruff

Ever felt like the top of a snowy mountain? If you ever had dandruff, you must know what it means to make snowfall. Dandruff is considered embarrassing, it is considered to be a sign of poor hygiene but that is a misconception. Dandruff is a skin condition that affects the scalp causing flaking and itching.

How is Dandruff caused?

When the renewed skin cells appear on the scalp pushing the old ones to the surface eventually causing them to come away from the scalp is called flaking. When one has Dandruff, their skin renewal process is accelerated hence causing more flaking. Hence, more dead skin is shed i.e. flakes. Dandruff is caused by oily skin, not shampooing your hair enough, hormonal issues, sensitivity to hair products and a fungus called Malassezia globosa that feeds an oil on the scalp. 

Why do you get more Dandruff in winter?

During winter, the air does not contain moisture and is dry, causing the skin and scalp to dry up resulting in a flaky scalp. Thus, people are more prone to Dandruff in winter. Changing your diet, applying warm oil, hydrating regularly are some of the home remedies that you can practice in winter.

How is Dandruff related to hair fall?

Apart from what is believed by the people, hair has no role in causing Dandruff. It is a skin condition. Another myth surrounding dandruff is that it causes hair fall and eventually baldness. Hair fall is caused due to rigorous scratching of the scalp because of the irritation caused by dandruff. Although it does not directly cause hair loss, it can accelerate hair fall.

How to get rid of Dandruff?

Now, to answer the most important question. To get rid of Dandruff you first need to reduce the oil and skin buildup. Shampooing your hair daily will help you do just that. Scalp exfoliation is also a method to reduce Dandruff. Exfoliation removes oil from the scalp but shouldn’t be done more than once a week, on the other hand, you can massage your scalp every day. The home remedies include massaging your scalp with coconut oil with lemon,  applying half part apple cider vinegar half part water on wet hair, applying Mehendi with curd and lemon and many more. The basic idea behind all these remedies is to decrease the reaction of Malassezia fungi in the scalp and flaking, with the help of acid in the ingredients used. You can get treated by a dermatologist in severe cases of Dandruff. Apps like CureSkin help you get treatment from the comfort of your home, you just have to upload a photo of your affected area i.e. in the case of Dandruff – scalp.  CureSkin uses AI technology to analyze your problems and with the help of their team of dermatologists, recommend personalized treatment and a customized routine. Trying and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with good eating habits can help you keep your skin and scalp healthy.