The Best Way to Achieve Beautiful Skin

The Best Way to Achieve Beautiful Skin

The secrets to beautiful skin is within grasp, however because you do not know what to look for you tend to complicate thing that are so easy and readily available. You are looking for the secret to beautiful skin, however it is no secret at all.

There are three simple ways to achieve beautiful skin and those are:

1.) Genetics, yes if you look at your parents and see the kind of skin they have, this will give you an idea of how your skin will look and how soon you should start your skin care regime. It is never too early to begin.

2.) Lifestyle habits, such as eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, not spending too much time in the sun without proper sun screen protection. Use sun screen of SPF 15 and over and wear protective clothing.

3.) Using natural anti aging skin care products. This is ultimately the way you can control how your skin looks.

By eating foods high in antioxidants such as:

Vegetables: Broccoli, Spinach, Collard, Kale
Fruits: Cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries
Nuts: Pecan, Walnuts and Hazelnuts
Fish: Fatty Fish high in Omega 3 fatty acids (eg. Tuna, mackerel, sardines)

A very important aspect of beautiful skin is the products you use on your skin. Find products that contain ingredients that will work on your skin to make it beautiful and flawless. Due to the advancement of science and technology there are products that are now available on line that will make your skin beautiful by doing the following :

o Enhance your skin’s ability to produce a higher level of collagen and elastin. As you probably know, collagen is very important to skin health. It helps keep the structural fibers of the skin glued together making it firm and elastic. One of the best ingredients for achieving this is Cynergy TK. It has been proven in clinical trials to keep skin firm by 60%